Frequently Asked Questions

QR code - you can use your mobile to show the document you received after registration, the system is able to read the QR code in it, therefore you are not required to print it out.

Deposit - the competitions of BUG have been sponsored by the Municipality of Budapest since 2016, because using the town for sports is a common goal. Due to the support of the capital, competitions are free but subject to placing a deposit. The aim of the deposit is to secure the attendance of participants; if a participant does not show up, the deposit will not be refunded to him/her. The deposit system was implemented 3 years ago because many only registered but did not show up on the competition, and as a result they took away the possibility of participation from others.

Payment - you can register for BUG competitions by online payment only, there is NO possibility for cash or wire-transfer payment. After registration the system forwards you to the “" website which is a certified online payment service, where you can provide your credit/debit card details to make the transaction successful. It is IMPORTANT to mention that the transaction being a deposit acts only as a hold, therefore, please do not look for receiving an sms during the refund period, because the held amount will only be released. BUG takes responsibility to refund rightful deposits until 10 of September, so please, check your account history after this date.

Registration / start (swimming) - this year we created a new registration system for running and swimming: Swimming: standing in the queue caused a problem every year not only for you but for us too, so we developed a time window system where you can choose (between 09:00 and 14:00) when you would like to swim. Transportation by buses will remain, namely you will travel from the registration point (embankment of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics) to the starting point (at point Corvinus #6). However, considering the present situation, we are doing our best not to fully fill up the buses, so hanging by the eyebrows in the doors will be cancelled this year :). Start is also COVID-secure, at 15-30 sec intervals, this way 120-150 people can cross the city centre.

Registration / start (running) - in the past years heatwave caused a lot of problems, we ran out of drinking water in a blink of an eye and the parching heat in the afternoon did not support the running experience. This year you can run 3 types of race again; 21K starts at 09:00 AM, 14K will launch at 10:00 AM, while 7K will kick off at 11:00 AM continuously, so despite mass start you can begin your run one after each other in the given time window.

Medical certificate - the medical certificate can be issued by a family doctor, an industrial physician, or a sports physician. Competitors signed on by a sports club must hold a yearly medical fitness certificate, while amateur entrants have to provide a doctor’s certificate issued not earlier than 60 days. The medical/doctor’s certificate includes the following: ALLOWED TO COMPETE / ALLOWED TO PARTICIPATE at an open water competition! Certificates issued for the Balaton cross swim are accepted. If you have given this certificate to the organisers of Balaton cross-swim, you can verify your participation by your certificate of participation, and your medical certificate too.